How long does a background check take?

  • September 20, 2022

Finding the right person to fill an open role can be tricky. You want to make sure that they have the required qualifications and that they are the right cultural fit...

What to do about underperforming employees

  • September 13, 2022

Being a manager can be a highly rewarding experience, but there are also times when tough conversations need to be had. If you notice a dip in an employee’s...

How to create a company vehicle policy

  • September 02, 2022

Certain industries and job roles may require regular use of a company car. Perhaps the job role requires spending most of the day on the road driving to different...

Tips for hiring independent contractors

  • August 10, 2022

The use of freelancers or independent contractors has become increasingly popular over the past decade. Companies such as Uber and InstaCart are built on this type of...

How to calculate overtime pay

  • July 25, 2022

Failure to properly compensate employees for working overtime is a common cause of lawsuits and department of labor (DOL) investigations. Businesses that do not pay or...

Which state laws apply to remote employees

  • July 04, 2022

During the pandemic, many businesses allowed their employees to work from home as a matter of safety. Now, remote work has become the norm. However, it can be tough to...