How to take meeting minutes like a professional

  • September 12, 2022

Meeting minutes are a staple of all board meetings and internal company meetings. They serve as an official written record of a meeting to aid in future decision-making...

How to take better notes with Speed Writing

  • April 25, 2022

Taking notes by hand is a great way to keep track of information. Writing things down can help you remember them better. It also gives you something to reference later...

9 ways to improve your meeting minutes

  • April 05, 2021

Meeting minutes can be a challenge, especially when multiple people are talking, but they don't have to be if you prepare properly ahead of time.

10 steps to better minute-taking

  • June 06, 2018

Taking minutes wasn’t getting any easier for Terri Michaels, even after years of practice. Finally, she enrolled in a workshop, and things changed. Now she uses these...

How to be a master minute taker: 3 tips

  • April 27, 2018

Christy Crump, who has 25+ years of experience as an administrative professional, provides her top tips to diminish the fear of forgetting to record something important...

What do your admin team meetings look like?

  • December 12, 2017

Question: "Where I work, there are six admins, but in the ten months I've been here, we've never met as a group once. Everything gets done and nothing falls through the...

3 tips for improving minute-taking skills

  • June 28, 2017

Unless you’re a trained stenographer, keeping thorough minutes can be a challenge. If you’re responsible for taking minutes, here are three tips to help you...

How to hold a productive meeting

  • July 12, 2016

Team meetings are the equivalent of football huddles. As such, they are one of the most visible arenas in which you can exert control over the players.

Top 8 meeting pet peeves

  • March 17, 2016

Below are the meeting behaviors people find most annoying, according to a study. Are you guilty of committing or condoning any of them?

Minute-taking Q&A: 3 expert answers

  • March 09, 2016

With everything that’s at stake in today’s challenging times, it’s no wonder that employers prize accurate minute-taking skills more than ever before....

Call an impromptu meeting

  • February 23, 2016

Pulling a group of people to­­gether at the last minute (something all managers run into from time to time) presents a number of challenges.