Jerry Lewis on taking criticism

  • March 01, 2006

In 1953, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis played London’s Palladium, the first appearance in England for what back then was America’s top entertainment act. The...

Three components of strong leadership

  • March 01, 2006

Leaders run a high risk of burnout as they move from one real-world challenge to the next. Stay strong by realizing that you need to continually learn and grow in three...

The Wall Street hustler who never retired

  • March 01, 2006

When John H. Slade died, one obituary made a telling error in saying that he had worked at Bear Stearns for “seven centuries.” Actually, it was only seven...

Behold GE’s 5 growth-leadership traits

  • March 01, 2006

For a while now, General Electric’s top dogs have been studying companies they admire, like Dell and Toyota, seeing how they do things and trying to figure out...

Wrong decisions vs. bad decisions

  • January 01, 2006

While even the best leaders aren’t perfect decision-makers, it’s still true that a wrong decision is different from a bad decision.

Recall names with Look, Snap, Connect

  • January 01, 2006

Never forget a person’s name again. Sound like a pipe dream? Not if you use Gary Small’s Look/Snap/ Connect technique. “The major reason we forget...

The dangers of hasty decision-making

  • December 01, 2005

In his latest book, Why Decisions Fail, scholar Paul C. Nutt analyzes 15 disastrous courses of action, from Ford’s defense of the flammable Pinto to...

Business Entertainment

  • August 22, 2005

All work and no play can make Jack (or Jill) a disgruntled employee or client. So, you may decide to treat some of your top customers or valued employees to an outing as...

Queen Elizabeth II: Duty over all

  • August 01, 2005

Sometimes, a leader’s duty is simply to ensure the institution’s survival. In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, her duty is to preserve the British monarchy,...

Kingdomality: What’s your ruling style?

  • August 01, 2005

If you like to understand your own world through a parallel universe, the new management book Kingdomality divides the leaders of a mythical medieval kingdom into four...

Don’t let them give up on you

  • August 01, 2005

Procter & Gamble Chairman and CEO A.G. Lafley tells a tale of getting down to core issues when a valuable employee wants to leave. It happened when Lafley once resigned...

When is it not OK to delegate?

  • August 01, 2005

Knowing how to delegate tasks to your team members is a critical management skill. It helps you develop your people while controlling your workload at the same time....

Home Depot’s leading philosophy

  • July 01, 2005

Take two guys who’ve made it a big part of their “value proposition” to hire military veterans, and you’ve got the basic leadership...

10 ‘don’ts’ of employee discipline

  • July 01, 2005

Leaders have tremendous power to inspire and encourage, but some techniques actually undermine performance. Here’s Samuel Spitalli’s list of 10 no-nos: