3 techniques to exert more influence

  • April 18, 2013

When you’re trying to persuade em­­ployees, you may figure if you cite enough evidence, you’ll break down others’ resistance and they’ll...

Set ground rules

  • April 12, 2013

High-functioning boards and executive teams don’t miraculously work just by focusing on common challenges. They spend a few hours once a year setting ground rules....

Step up your speaking game in 6 steps

  • April 10, 2013

If you sense your presentations are failing to rouse others to action, it’s probably time for a tuneup, says career and business advisor Beverly Flaxington. Here...

Rumors and gossip rampant? What to do

  • April 09, 2013

Just because there's nothing you can do to completely eliminate gossip from your workplace doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do a thing about it. On the contrary,...

5 techniques to cure your team’s negativity

  • March 22, 2013

When teams sputter, conflicts can erupt. As the leader, you can insist that difficult personalities find a way to get along. Encourage diverse teams to look past their...

8 phrases to smooth conflict resolution

  • March 20, 2013

Few people enjoy conflict, but it’s an inevitable part of life and ­business. So if you want to succeed, you need to become skilled in managing it. A few key...

5 ways to improve your writing skills

  • March 14, 2013

Like it or not, people judge you by how you write. Strong writing skills will help you get noticed, earn your colleagues’ trust and move you up in your career,...

Lessons from the office brown-noser

  • March 05, 2013

That person who’s always cozying up to the boss may drive you nuts, but you should consider that she may also be doing some things better, says life and career...

5 steps to becoming that go-to person

  • February 05, 2013

Every office has a go-to guy or gal who people count on to deliver in any situation. It’s possible to become the go-to if you try, says Kelly Gurnett, assistant...

Why It’s Smart to Have Selfish Employees

  • February 01, 2013

There is a common misconception that a selfish person makes for an unmanageable employee—perhaps this person will destroy the team dynamic that we all strive for...

You have 30 seconds to impress me

  • January 22, 2013

When addressing senior executives, every minute counts. Make your point succinctly—without tangents or long stories—and end decisively. Consider these...

Prepare to take your tasks global

  • January 16, 2013

“What do I most need to be prepared for suddenly dealing with international cultures, people and ways of doing things? I’ve just landed a job with a big...

Open your speech with ‘fire’

  • December 18, 2012

Legendary marketer David Ogilvy once said, “When you advertise fire extinguishers, open with the fire.” It’s good advice for business presenters....

Conquer negativity in the workplace

  • December 17, 2012

A large percentage of people have to deal with colleagues who frequently complain, according to a study by Cloud Nine Media. Such negativity isn’t just annoying;...