Ruthless power tips from Monty Burns

  • September 01, 2004

Think you’re a pretty big wheel, eh? Forget it, you piker! You’ll never be a leader on the order of that liver-spotted captain of industry, Mr. Burns.

Peter Drucker’s 5 essential questions

  • August 01, 2004

Peter Drucker, that sage of business management, came up with these questions to help leaders of nonprofit institutions not only see the future but shape it. The...

Sam Houston: smart, brave, skilled

  • August 01, 2004

He was smart: He studied law and passed the bar in six months. He was honorable: He never spoke a word against his wife after a mysterious marital blowup that ended his...

Alexander Hamilton’s fatal flaw

  • July 01, 2004

Now that Alexander Hamilton has come roaring back into vogue as a founding father, let’s take a look at the guy who did more than any other to create the United...

MacArthur’s principles of leadership

  • July 01, 2004

Besides being a brilliant war strategist, Gen. Douglas MacArthur also proved a gifted administrator and charismatic figure. To guide his own behavior as a leader, he...

Lead like a goose, not a buffalo

  • July 01, 2004

As newly ordained owner of The Nation, Victor Navasky decided he needed some serious coaching in how to rescue his venerable but ailing magazine.

Ben Franklin’s 4 rules of conduct

  • June 01, 2004

After being burned a few times early in life by “rogues of dubious character,” Benjamin Franklin started finding himself more attracted to practical,...

Shackleton’s secret: ability to adapt

  • January 01, 2004

Sir Ernest Shackleton never did get to walk across the South Pole. The explorer’s huge ego had betrayed him when he set off for Antarctica in the dead of winter,...

Show real empathy, not fake concern

  • July 01, 2000

Most employees see through a boss who communicates like an actor playing a role. If you seem canned, you’ll lose chances to build rapport and credibility

5 traits of career climbers

  • November 01, 1997

With all the mystery that surrounds getting ahead, there really are only five ingredients you need to accelerate onto the fast track, says Susan Marshall, a leadership...