What it takes to be a virtual assistant

  • April 03, 2013

Becoming a successful virtual assis­­tant requires a deep sense of commitment and a host of skills. As a VA, you are the Swiss Army knife and the adjunct...

SharePoint 2010: Getting personal with views

  • April 02, 2013

The people who designed the sites for SharePoint 2010 probably made some decisions based on what they thought you needed. But sometimes, you need to use list data in...

How do you track hours worked for nonexempts?

  • February 13, 2013

Despite plenty of new high-tech options, good old-fashioned paper time sheets remain the most popular way to record how many hours employees work, according to a...

Create a quiz with a simple Macro

  • January 29, 2013

In a Title and Content slide, type a question in the Title area and answers in the Content placeholder. On the Devel­­oper tab, click Visual Basic (VB) ...

Sync MS Office 365 with your iPhone

  • January 25, 2013

The growing popularity of Micro­­soft Office 365 means that many iPhone users must learn how to sync their Office 365 mailboxes with their phones.

Word Master Document to the rescue

  • January 14, 2013

A Master Document is a collection of links to other documents that can be viewed and printed as though it were a single document. So, how does this work?

Steer clear of to-do list icebergs: 6 tips

  • January 11, 2013

If you plan on knocking out a task quickly and then discover there’s far more to it than you expected, it’s going to wreak havoc on your schedule and could...

Effective use of the hashtag

  • January 04, 2013

Hashtags (#) have become a part of our everyday social media world. You see them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Here are 6 tips to effectively use...

Nail every deadline

  • December 21, 2012

Everyone handles deadlines differently, but if you want to keep your career on track, you need a systematic approach to make sure you’re meeting them. Here are a...