Snow-day absences: When can you dock pay?

  • February 06, 2010

The snow's coming down pretty hard and an exempt employee calls to say she can't make it in today because her car is stuck. Can you deduct a full day's pay from her...

Beware discipline for FMLA-related tardiness

  • November 28, 2009

It may be terribly annoying and very disruptive, but it is also the law: Employees eligible for intermittent FMLA leave are entitled to take that leave at the beginning...

Don’t factor in FMLA when making RIF list

  • September 10, 2009

Many employers are discovering they have to cut staff to survive. It’s tempting to eliminate those positions where the least work is being done. After all, the...

Keep Sick Employees Home During Flu Season

  • September 08, 2009

Traditionally, employee absenteeism has been employers' main concern during the annual flu season. This year, however, employers are being urged by federal agencies to...

Miscalculated FMLA? Just let employee know

  • September 05, 2009

It’s easy enough to do. While calculating an employee’s remaining FMLA leave, you make a mistake and tell the employee he has to return by a certain day when...