Difficult people killing your meetings?

  • August 10, 2012

A consultant who was running a daily meeting for 20 employees at an insurance company noticed that he had two ramblers taking his meetings off track. Solution? He...

In praise of stand-up meetings

  • July 09, 2012

Nothing conveys urgency and efficiency like being on your feet during a daily meeting. Stanford Business School professor Bob Sutton observed this as he was co-writing...

Keeping a ‘meetings warrior’ organized

  • May 31, 2012

Not all executives are content to have access to documents only on their smartphones, tablets or laptops. If you work for a boss who still depends heavily on paper and...

Taming the meeting monsters

  • October 01, 2007

If your meetings are like most, your control of things will be challenged by "meeting monsters"--strong personalities that can derail your efforts.