Bring Lean methodology into work

  • March 13, 2017

Lean methodology was adapted from the Toyota Pro­duction System and focuses on the elimination of waste within work.

Why and how to encourage snitching

  • March 03, 2017

Do you encourage “whistle-blowing”? You should. Your employees are likely to witness unethical behavior that could sink your organization.

The danger of over-communicating

  • February 07, 2017

If you think you’re a great communicator because you communicate every little thing to everyone, you’re mistaken.

Beware demotion following disability leave

  • January 10, 2017

Before you demote an employee who is returning from a lengthy medical leave, consider whether he might file and possibly win a disability discrimination claim.

Get them to solve their own problems

  • January 05, 2017

Yes, your door is always open to your employees. But you shouldn’t tolerate a steady parade of workers into your office looking for answers to every little problem.

Facebook’s hacker culture drives it

  • January 03, 2017

At Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg adopted an unusual motivational strategy from the start. Rather than prod employees to excel, he and his co-founders left them alone.