Setting personal boundaries at work to create a healthier environment
Setting work boundaries: Enhancing focus and productivity
“I cannot work past 4:30.”
“I do not feel comfortable sharing details of my personal life.”
“That will need to go on tomorrow’s to-do list, not today’s.”
People who set clear boundaries at work sometimes worry that they will appear mean. Most of us prefer to be seen as agreeable and positive. But saying “no” and drawing limits often benefits the greater picture.
Boundaries provide a framework. They make work and life more manageable. Furthermore, they contribute to comfort levels, satisfaction, and sanity. Ultimately, they guide interaction and promote respect.
Let’s further explore reasons for setting boundaries and how they contribute to a better work environment.
Work boundaries improve productivity
People need to concentrate on doing good work. However, focusing becomes difficult when others distract you from the task.
Employing physical boundaries often helps. Let team members know a closed door means you need solitude. Hang a “do not disturb” sign on your cubicle. At times, you are not open to conversation.
(A good tip: Let others know when you will be available. A sign that reads “Do not disturb until after 2 pm” tells people when they can return.) Wear headphones, a universal signal for “please leave me alone.”
Watch, too, that you are not your own worst interrupter. Set your boundaries and abide by them. For instance, close computer tabs that are not in use.
Vow not to check social media until your lunch break. Tell family members you won’t return their phone or text messages during work hours.
Establishing work-related boundaries is also important for smoother operations. Do you have staff members who frequently submit late timesheets? Establish a 10:00 Thursday morning turn—in policy—no exceptions.
This deadline guides them and allows you the necessary time to process paperwork without risking everyone’s direct deposits getting delayed. Are you a leader whose day gets disrupted by team members with non-urgent questions?
Ask them to schedule a short meeting instead. You could also consider holding set office hours and welcoming workers to stop by.
Set healthy boundaries to increase well-being
All people deserve to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally comfortable at work. Better boundaries contribute to feelings of wellness.
For starters, think about your personal space. If co-workers touch items on your desk, politely say something. Similarly, speak up if they come into your area when you are not there. When someone sits closer to you than you like at a meeting, reposition your chair.
If hugging is not your thing, extend a hand for shaking when you sense an embrace coming. (If bothered by post-pandemic handshaking, it is perfectly ok to refrain from that.)
Of course, nobody should be subjected to unwanted physical contact or violence. Crossing this boundary demands immediate attention. State in no uncertain terms that the offender needs to stop. Consider notifying human resources if the act is severe or if the behavior persists.
Similarly, all workers have the right to protect their mental health. Colleagues should respect each other’s emotional boundaries.
Actions that often cross the line include:
Offensive jokes or comments
Making fun of someone or their abilities
Passive aggressiveness
Spreading rumors
Again, victims need to tell offenders that this behavior is unacceptable clearly. If necessary, they should bring the matter to a higher authority.
Likewise, let others know where you stand on unacceptable work-related behavior. Tell gossipers you have better things to do than listen to stories. Call out a sexist remark.
Know your values, and refuse to go against them. Better to draw a line in the sand when asked to fudge some numbers than to endure sleepless nights of regret.
Navigating personal sharing and boundaries
However, Many professional boundaries are more a matter of taste than ethics. Some workers, for instance, love to share details of their free time. One colleague might find Sarah’s dating scene tales fascinating.
Another may squirm that her accounts reveal too much information. Sarah hopefully possesses the ability to read her audience. If not, bothered listeners may need to excuse themselves or express their discomfort.
Similarly, individuals need to think about what they feel okay about sharing from their own lives. In some places, pressure exists to be an open book. But you do not owe it to anyone to talk about your family, finances, sexuality, physical health, or any other personal subject.
Define for yourself what topics you consider off-limits. Then, politely but firmly communicate boundaries if the conversation goes in that direction. Most people should respect your decision and move on.
If you receive pushback, hold your ground. You can also lighten the situation with a joke, such as “Sorry, I only share that information with my dog and my therapist.”
Your courage to reveal personal boundaries may inspire others to do the same. A psychologically safe workplace values the right to privacy.
Also, be aware of making the problems of others your own. Teamwork and kindness are great, but we have encountered colleagues who test our limits.
Do not feel you must take on other’s bad moods or solve their problems. Determine how much empathy you can give, then redirect or tell them you must focus on your work.
Boundaries promote a healthy work-life balance
Life is a constant juggling act. People have a variety of professional and personal obligations. Boundaries help with fulfillment and reduce stress and burnout.
Workers want to perform well. This desire may lead to taking on too much workload, giving up a lunch break, or staying late. They may also fail to take earned PTO, such as sick days and vacation time. Exhaustion becomes standard.
Eventually, though, lack of self-care takes a toll. Mental and physical health suffers, as do relationships. Resentment builds. Employers risk losing top talent who “just can’t take it anymore.”
What types of boundaries can employees set to prevent this outcome?
Take days off as needed. If the boss gives grief, remind him or her that workers must recharge to stay effective. If sick, avoiding other team members is in everyone’s best interest.
When away from the office, truly be away. Let it be known that you won’t be checking messages or taking calls. Set up a co-worker in advance to cover pressing matters during your absence.
Apply similar limits to after-hours. Prioritize relaxation and family time. Construct voicemail and work email messages that tell people you will get back to them during workday hours. Such a heads-up is courteous and gets others familiar with your schedule.
Speaking of schedules, issue reminders as necessary. Communicate what you need. Perhaps you must pick up your son from daycare at 5:00 each evening. Ensure everyone knows you will be out that door hook or crook at 4:45.
Value lunchtime. If necessary, put up a “do not disturb” sign. Head to the cafeteria. Consider physically getting out of the office for a bite to eat, errands, or just some air. Do not feel guilty.
Go over priorities with your manager and other staff members. Stick to an agreed-upon, manageable workload. Insist that any changes mean eliminating something else from your plate.
Remote workers have their own set of challenges
Many employees nowadays perform remote work. Working from home presents its own boundary challenges.
Remember those distractions mentioned earlier? Consider the ever-present allure of a TV. Moreover, a comfortable bed may tempt you to nap. And, of course, a sink full of dirty dishes might beckon. The flexibility of telecommuting often allows for attending to things other than work.
However, these activities must be regulated. Set boundaries for yourself, such as only doing housework during scheduled breaks.
Make others aware of the need for boundaries, too. People often think home-based workers can change their plans at a moment’s notice. Some have wiggle room; many do not. Either way, you are not obligated to become the neighborhood’s default babysitter.
Likewise, your well-meaning mother might need clarification about when she can call to chat. Communicate limits and schedules, and get used to saying “no” or “I can’t” to those who try to take advantage of your presence at home.
Lastly, watch out for work taking over your personal time. Failure to establish boundaries can leave you feeling constantly “on.” This state of mind is not healthy.
Create space between the two realms. Shut down the computer to physically prevent yourself from getting on it. Close your home office door when done for the day. Do not leave work-related material scattered throughout the house. Its presence does not promote relaxation!
More resources:
Workplace boundaries: Examples to create a healthier work environment
Right to disconnect: Growing movement for work-life balance laws
The 5 emotional intelligence competencies you need to have