The IRS has released a new round of FAQs in two fact sheets, both of which clarify the circumstances under which you must provide employees with Forms W-2c if you took...
Tax lawyers should be able to do their own taxes, don’t you think? With minimal help, of course. So I was confident last weekend as I set about preparing our taxes....
Last year, the Department of Labor released a trio of documents advising employers with 401(k) plans about cybersecurity. The DOL is backing up the advice in those...
The Employee Benefits Security Administration has had an on-again, off-again approach to whether employers can allow 401(k) investment choices to promote social,...
If you think you’re immune from an employee lawsuit alleging a breach of fiduciary duty over the investment choices you offer in your 401(k) plan, think again. The ink...
Whether you’re training a new employee, covering for someone out, or learning a new job duty — it’s a nightmare to scramble to learn a new task with little...
Computer security is an unfortunate fact of modern payroll administration—especially right now, when phishers and scammers know you and your staff are busy and...
Tax season is right around the corner. For business owners, the month of January is the time to prepare and send out tax information for employees and nonemployees that...
There are no tax penalties for incorrectly coding items reported in Box 12 of your W-2s. Phew! But you’re not walking away scot-free. The IRS uses those codes to...
Scheduling a meeting has always been a rather dreaded task, if for no other reason than those invited typically are not thrilled to attend. That, and finding a time when...
The NCAA basketball tournament is called the Big Dance. Football has the Superbowl. Jan. 31 is Payroll’s day. This is the date employees must receive their W-2 copies...
It's time to start your 2025 annual business plan! Don't worry if you haven't started yet, it's not too late to create a plan that will help your business thrive in the...
What comes after omicron? We shiver at the answer. What we thought were temporary changes in response to the pandemic may not, in fact, be so temporary, especially if...
Want your office to run like a well-oiled machine? A top-notch administrative assistant is the way to do it. These professionals provide managers and other team members...
Lots of House and Senate committees have their fingers in the Build Back Better Act pie. The BBB—the budget reconciliation bill—already passed the House. The Senate...
The employee retention credit expired retroactively and earlier than many employers had anticipated—at the end of the third quarter, instead of the end of the fourth...
Most of the activities necessary to keep your business running can be broken down into specific tasks and business processes. Each employee contributes to the success of...
It’s time to talk about computer security again. With the holiday shopping season here, employees will be doing a lot of online shopping — some of which will...
If you deferred depositing your 6.2% share of Social Security taxes last year, the time to make your first payment is approaching quickly. Half your deferral is due Jan....