Employee handbook examples and sample policies

employee handbook examples

Crafting your employee handbook

A great employee handbook helps new employees understand expectations and ensures that all staff members are on the same page regarding conduct and procedures.

Reviewing the employee handbook should be an informative part of the onboarding process. This is specifically for new hires.

Therefore, invest some time into creating the best handbook. This will help them get started on the right foot.

These employee handbook examples can help you begin.

Be sure that the policies you include in your handbook represent your company culture and intentions to enforce them.

Consider how strictly or loosely you plan to enforce these policies and ensure their tone and stringency fit your company’s operations.

It’s best to start your employee manual with a thorough table of contents to help employees refer back to specific workplace policies.

After the table of contents, you can move on to a comprehensive list of employment policies, including leave policies, company property usage guidelines, your company culture code or mission statement, and non-discrimination policies.

The employee handbook examples below can help you start building your own handbook. However, this is not a complete employee handbook template, so applicable policies or state-specific employment laws may not be included.

You may also need to make changes to align the policy templates with your unique company culture and industry operational standards.

Mission statement and core values

This article honors the mission statement section. Mission and value statements are integral parts of a company’s culture. They often appear in the early pages of the employee handbook to set the tone for the company’s values and culture for new employees reviewing the handbook.

Unfortunately, creating a concise yet poignant statement to embody your company’s mission and values isn’t necessarily something that can be accomplished with a template.

Many companies do follow this format for their mission statement:

[Company Name] was founded with the [adjective] objective in mind; to [goal].

However, others get creative and vary the structure of the mission statement. Try this SmartSheet template to guide your mission and vision statement writing process. When crafting a mission statement or values list for the first time, getting feedback from others within your organization is a good idea.

At-will employment statement

A signature line often follows the at-will employment statement. In some states, it is required that the employee sign the at-will statement. Some states also provide restrictions on at-will employment. As always, checking your local guidelines before using this workplace template is best.

Here’s an at-will employment statement example for your employee handbook.

All employees of [Company Name] are hired “at will. ” Each person’s employment is for no specific term. Either party may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice or cause.

Nothing in this employee handbook should be construed as a contract or a guarantee of continued employment.

Work hours

While some workplaces may operate for extended hours with multiple shifts rather than on a set 9-5 schedule, this section still holds value for all employers. Ensuring that employees understand overtime, break, and timekeeping procedures is essential to the operation of any business.

Here’s a work-hour policy example for your employee handbook.

Standard working hours at [Company Name] are from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some department’s hours may vary. Your supervisor will advise you if your department’s schedule varies from the norm or if business demands require you to adjust your schedule at any future date. You are entitled to an unpaid one-hour lunch each workday unless you leave early and work under five hours.

Your supervisor must approve overtime in advance and should include your total hours worked on the timesheet. All non-exempt employees will be paid at one and a half times their base hourly rate for any work performed over 40 hours per week.

To ensure that you are paid promptly and accurately, you will be required to record your time worked and your absences on the company’s employee timesheet form.

This form should be completed daily, signed, and forwarded to your supervisor weekly. After reviewing it and resolving any discrepancies, your supervisor will sign it and forward it to payroll for processing.

Please exercise care when recording your hours and leave time taken. Falsifying a time record is a breach of company policy and is grounds for disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination.

Attendance policy

[Company Name] expects all employees to take diligent responsibility for their attendance. Regular and prompt attendance is essential to the company’s success.

If you are unable to report to work, you must notify your supervisor or department head no later than 30 minutes before your start time on each day of your absence.

If you leave a voicemail message for your supervisor or department head about your absence, you’ll need to make a personal follow-up call by noon on the same day of the absence. It may be a disciplinary action if you don’t properly notify the company of your absence.

Absenteeism or unexcused or excessive tardiness is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Vehicle policy

This template may be modified if your organization does not possess company vehicles for employee use. It is still a good idea to include a vehicle policy even if your staff does not generally drive in the course of their work, as staff may occasionally need to operate their own vehicles to attend offsite meetings.

Here’s a vehicle policy example for your employee handbook.

Company-owned vehicles may be utilized for approved business purposes. Employees driving their vehicles for approved business purposes will be reimbursed according to the current IRS mileage rate.

Only employees specifically authorized to drive company vehicles are allowed to do so. Unauthorized use of a company vehicle will result in strict disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Any employee authorized to drive a company vehicle and allow any other unauthorized use of the vehicle will be subject to the same disciplinary action described above. Employees may not transport family members or non-employees.

Each employee assigned a specific vehicle for ongoing use must maintain that vehicle according to the company’s Vehicle Maintenance policy. Employees should report any maintenance concerns promptly and refrain from driving the vehicle if it does not appear safe to operate.

Driving conduct and safety

Employees should follow all relevant traffic laws and exercise safe driving practices. They may not operate company or personal vehicles while under the influence. Finally, employees should refrain from using their cell phones while driving.

Employees must take responsibility for any parking or traffic violations, whether driving a company-owned vehicle or using their personal vehicle for business purposes.

Reasonable toll and parking fees will be reimbursed. However, fines for violations, including parking, moving, and toll violations, will not be reimbursed.

Internet policy

In many job roles and industries, staff spends the majority of their time at a computer, so it makes sense that you need a policy on internet and computer usage. Improper usage can result in viruses, security threats, or workplace misconduct. Outline what is and is not appropriate using this template.

In the template, casual browsing is allowed during breaks as this tends to build goodwill with staff, but you can alter it to ban any personal use if preferred.

Here’s an internet policy example for your employee handbook.

[Company Name] provides internet access and company-owned computers for business use. The Internet’s vast informational and educational capabilities can help us all do better work, but not at the expense of productivity or security for our core business systems and sensitive company and client data.

Employees must use internet access professionally, primarily for business-related research and communication.

Employees with internet access should understand that the company will monitor their internet usage to ensure appropriateness. All existing company policies apply to internet conduct, including policies on intellectual property protection, privacy, misuse of company resources, sexual harassment, information and data security, and confidentiality.

Employees may use company computers and internet access for nonbusiness research or browsing during meal periods, other breaks, or outside of work hours, provided all other usage policies are adhered to.

Acceptable use of company resources

Offensive and/or sexually explicit content may not be displayed, printed, archived, stored, distributed, edited, or recorded using company devices or resources.

Software or files with direct business use may be downloaded via the Internet into the ZYX network and thus become the property of ZYX. Such files or software may be used only in ways consistent with their licenses or copyrights.

No employee may knowingly use ZYX facilities to download or distribute pirated software or data.

The intentional use of company resources for any illegal activity is grounds for immediate dismissal, and ZYX will cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement activity regarding this.

Any employee attempting to disable, defeat, or circumvent any company security facility (firewalls, proxies, screening programs, etc.) is subject to immediate dismissal.

Any file or software downloaded from the internet to company equipment must be scanned for viruses before being accessed. Do not download any files from unknown or suspicious email addresses, and report any suspicious activity to the IT department.

Social media policy

Most people are active on social media in some capacity now. Your staff should be free to express themselves online, but it’s a good idea to set some ground rules regarding postings that could impact the company’s reputation.

Here’s a social media policy example for your employee handbook.

Social media platforms are a common means of communication and self-expression. Because online postings can conflict with the interests of [Company Name] and its customers, the company has adopted the following policy. Breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Outside the workplace, you have a right to participate in social media and networks using your personal email address. However, information and communications you publish on personal online sites shouldn’t be attributed to the company or appear to be endorsed by or originated from the company.

Confidentiality and disclosure

Do not disclose company trade secrets or other confidential information related to the company, its customers, or employees. Sharing this information, even unintentionally, could harm the company and cause legal action against you or the company.

Suppose you choose to disclose your affiliation with the company online. In that case, you’ll need to treat all communications associated with the disclosure as professional communications governed by this and other company policies.

Do not post any information or engage in any online activity that violates applicable local, state, or federal laws, or professional rules of conduct.

Avoid hostile or harassing communications in any posts or other online communications involving the company. Harassment is any offensive conduct based on a person’s race, sex, gender, gender identity, national origin, color, disability, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status, religion, or any other status protected by law.

Nothing in this policy is intended to limit employees’ rights. These rights include discussing their working conditions or engaging in protected concerted activity, as the National Labor Relations Act prescribes. The policy will not be applied in a manner that restricts these rights.

Dress code

Appropriate workplace attire helps maintain professionalism, and the best way to ensure that everyone dresses appropriately is to provide clear expectations and examples.

Be specific in your dress code policy if your workplace follows business, business casual, or casual guidelines. Ensure that these policies do not discriminate based on an employee’s race, religion, or gender identity.

Here’s a dress code example for your employee handbook.

Employees must wear appropriate business [casual] attire, dress neatly, and maintain proper personal hygiene standards.

Acceptable workplace attire includes button-up shirts, blouses, dresses, polos, khakis, dress pants, clean un-ripped jeans, sweaters, and similarly appropriate attire.

Shorts (except knee-length shorts), tank tops, mesh shirts, cutoff shirts, sweat pants, athletic wear, caps, ripped jeans, and T-shirts with controversial slogans are not appropriate.

Adjustments may be made during inclement weather and for offsite company events. Employees will be provided with advance notice of any dress code changes.

Employees in customer-facing roles are expected to dress appropriately for client meetings. This may require more formal attire. However, employees should use their best judgment when determining appropriate dress for client meetings and events.

Equal employment opportunity statement

This statement appears in the employee handbook and is often included on job applications. It applies to applicants and staff members. Learn more about your equal opportunity responsibilities from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Here’s an equal employment opportunity statement example for your employee handbook.

[Company Name] recruits, hires, trains, assigns personnel, promotes, and compensates employees regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. All employment decisions at [Company Name] are made on the basis of merit and job requirements.

Personnel records policy

[Company Name] maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes information such as the employee’s job application, résumé, training records, copies of past performance reviews, and other applicable employment records.

[Company Name] owns the personnel files, and they restrict access to their information. [Company Name] permits only supervisors, management, human resources staff, and legal counsel with a legitimate reason to review information in a file.

Employees wishing to review their files should contact the human resources department. With reasonable advance notice, employees may review their files in the presence of a human resources member or another person appointed by the company to maintain them. Personnel records may not be removed from the premises.

Sexual harassment and discrimination

Preventing sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace is incredibly important, for the well-being of your staff and your company. Be sure to put a system in place for reporting and investigating incidents of harassment.

Here’s a sexual harassment and discrimination statement example for your employee handbook.

[Company Name] is committed to preserving a working environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is against the law and is a form of gender discrimination. [Company Name] does not tolerate discrimination.

This applies to discrimination based on gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, sexual identity, race, religion, age, national origin, citizenship, veteran status, disability, or any other personal characteristic that is unrelated to an employee’s ability to perform work requirements.

This policy’s aim is clear: to prevent harassment of any kind. This prevention applies to anyone employed by or associated with the company.

Defining sexual harassment

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or unwanted sexual attention. Anyone associated with the company can engage in this behavior, whether male or female. Harassment may reference employment status or conditions.

It can also create a hostile, intimidating, or uncomfortable work environment. Harassment includes but is not limited to, obscene jokes and lewd comments. It also covers sexual depictions and repeated requests for dates.

Additionally, touching, staring, or other sexual conduct are forms of harassment, whether committed on or off company premises.

All employees are responsible for helping to ensure that our workplace is kept free of harassment.

If you feel you have been a victim of sexual harassment or discrimination, report the behavior to any supervisor or member of the human resources department.

Reporting procedures

Suppose you have witnessed sexual harassment or any form of harassment or discrimination. In that case, you should also report the incident to human resources or management so that we can take action quickly to investigate the matter.

All complaints will be treated seriously, kept as confidential as possible, and investigated fully. [Company Name] expressly forbids any retaliation against employees for reporting a sexual harassment incident.

If an investigation confirms that sexual harassment has occurred, immediate action will be taken to stop it. [Company Name] will take appropriate corrective actions against anyone found to be in violation of this policy, including potential termination of employment.

Flexible work arrangements policy

Flexible working arrangements are becoming increasingly popular. They help parents and disabled employees remain in the workforce. Flexible work hours or telecommuting opportunities are also becoming popular for employees.

Post-COVID, employees have increasingly expressed a desire to continue having the flexibility to work from home in at least some capacity.

Here’s a flexible work arrangement policy example for your employee handbook.

[Company Name] offers flexible work arrangements as an alternative to a traditional work schedule. They provide you with options in the number of hours you work and where you work. The company will consider full or partial telecommuting arrangements.

You may request a flexible work arrangement when a traditional work schedule is not ideal for you. For example, you may need special hours to care for a child or other relative, to attend school, or to meet different personal demands.

Flexible or remote work arrangements will also be considered as a form of reasonable accommodation if needed.

Not every job is suitable for a flexible work arrangement, so there is no assurance that your manager can approve an arrangement. An approved flexible work arrangement typically begins temporarily to ensure that the arrangement is workable for you and your area’s business.

Your manager and human resources representative will work with you to make the arrangement easier.

Leave and time off policies

The next set of templates will cover time off or leave policies. Suppose your company has already moved to an unlimited PTO policy. In that case, portions of this section, such as vacation, sick leave, and short-term optional leaves such as bereavement leave, may not be necessary.

However, most employee handbooks devote a large amount of space to leave policies. This is because many employment laws allow for paid and unpaid leave in different circumstances.

Don’t skip over these leaves, as they are all important. Having them all listed in one convenient place, such as the handbook, will help supervisors and staff reference them as needed when time off is requested.


Be sure to customize this with your own list of observed holidays. The most common six holidays companies observe have been included, but many employers choose to observe additional federal holidays.

Here’s a holiday leave example for your employee handbook.

The company will observe the following days as paid holidays each year:

  • New Year’s Day.
  • Memorial Day.
  • Independence Day.
  • Labor Day.
  • Thanksgiving Day.
  • Christmas Day.

If a holiday falls on a weekend, the holiday will be observed on the closest working day to the holiday.

Part-time employees will receive a paid day off if the holiday falls on a day that they would regularly be scheduled to work.

If a non-exempt employee must work on an observed holiday, they will receive compensation. They will get their regular rate of pay for the holiday. Additionally, they will earn one and one-half times their base rate for the time they work.

Employees may use accrued PTO to take off holidays not observed by the company. If PTO is unavailable, unpaid time off will also be granted to employees observing religious holidays.

Vacation policy

Leave out the first paragraph if annual vacation leave varies by position or seniority or if employees are able to negotiate additional vacation during the hiring process. Also, be aware that some states require vacation pay to be paid upon termination.

Here’s a vacation policy example for your employee handbook.

Each full-time employee can take a vacation with full pay. This vacation time must be mutually agreed upon between the employee and management. Upon completing one year of full-time employment, the employee accrues five paid vacation days annually.

After two years, this increases to 10 days. After five years, the employee gets 15 days. Finally, after 10 years, they receive 20 days. If an authorized holiday falls within an employee’s vacation period, they will be given equivalent time off with pay.

Full-time employees may carry over up to [X] days of vacation leave per calendar year. If not used, the remaining vacation time will be forfeited.

All vacation leave must have the prior approval of the employee’s supervisor. Please check with your supervisor prior to making vacation plans. Suppose you plan to take a vacation during a popular travel time, such as a vacation or near a holiday.

In that case, it is recommended that you give as much advance notice as possible, as vacation requests are approved on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Jury duty

While providing paid leave to employees for Jury Duty service is common, it may not be required. Check the applicable state laws to determine if you need to pay employees serving jury duty.

If you are not required to provide paid leave, you may elect to modify this template to state that employees can use PTO during their jury duty service dates.

Here’s a jury duty policy example for your employee handbook.

When called for jury duty, the company encourages you to fulfill your rights and responsibilities as a citizen. Time off will be granted for the duration of your jury duty. Give your jury duty summons to your supervisor right away.

This allows them to plan for your absence. You will receive your full salary while on jury duty. This applies for up to [X] business days. You keep your employee benefits during jury duty.

We will consider you actively employed throughout your service. If the court dismisses you early, you must report to work for the rest of the day.

Bereavement leave

Unlike the other forms of leave, bereavement leave is not required by law. However, it is common for businesses to grant it voluntarily.

Here’s a bereavement leave policy example for your employee handbook.

Up to [X] days of paid leave may be taken in the event of the death of a spouse, offspring, sibling, parent, spouse’s parent, grandparent, son- or daughter-in-law, or life partner of the employee.

Management may grant exceptions under extenuating circumstances when requested by the employee. Please speak with your manager or a member of human resources to request bereavement leave or to seek an exception to the above-listed policy.

Military leave

Federal law requires companies to provide leave to armed forces members. Therefore, it’s a good idea to include military leave in the leave policies section of your employee handbook.

Employees most frequently request short-term military leave. While they maintain employment with your company, these employees are often enlisted in the Reserves or National Guard.

Military leave policy details

Here’s a military leave policy example for your employee handbook.

[Company Name]’s policy is to comply with all applicable laws that afford job protection rights and leave to employees serving with the Military, Military Reserve, or National Guard.

The company will supplement pay for up to two weeks per year for temporary military duty employees.

Leave will be unpaid for active duty (such as during the war with Iraq) or enlistment. Upon your return from military service, you may be eligible for reinstatement as provided in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.

Military Reserve or National Guard unit members may have an annual training period. When an employee receives orders for such training, he or she should promptly notify the supervisor, detailing the duration of the required service.

Regular pay minus military pay received for regularly scheduled workdays will be provided for up to two weeks.

Employees may use vacation time for military service if they desire. Any additional time needed for military service will be a leave of absence without pay.

Sometimes employees need extended unpaid leave for military duty. If this happens, the law determines your eligibility for reinstatement. Federal and state laws apply.

Time off for voting

Time off for voting is required in many but not all states. Check your state and local laws to see whether time off for voting is needed, whether it must be paid time off, and whether there are any notice requirements.

Here’s a voting leave policy example for your employee handbook.

Employees will be given two hours off when necessary to vote in federal, local, or state elections. If you do not have sufficient time outside of work hours to vote, please notify your manager or the HR department at least 48 hours before election day.

Sick leave

Here’s a sick leave policy example for your employee handbook.

Full-time employees accrue one day of paid sick leave at the end of each month, beginning with the first month of employment. Sick leave may be taken for any bona fide reason.

Up to [X] days of unused sick leave may be carried over from one calendar year to the next. Employees are allowed a maximum of [X] sick days in any calendar year. Unused accrued sick leave will not be paid out upon termination.


Here’s an FMLA policy example for your employee handbook.

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) applies to private employers with over 50 employees within 75 miles, public agencies, and elementary and secondary schools. You may not be subject to FMLA if you run a small business.

FMLA-eligible employees may take unpaid leaves of absence for the following reasons:

Family leave. The birth of your child or the placement of a child in your home for adoption or foster care. FMLA family leave must conclude within 12 months after the birth or placement of your child.

Medical leave for yourself or family care. A serious medical condition of yourself or a family member (child, spouse, parent, or one who stood in place of a parent).

A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care, treatment, or supervision by a healthcare provider. It also includes any period of incapacity due to pregnancy and incapacity for prenatal care.

Leave calculation and management

Any paid leave the employee is entitled to must be taken as part of the 12-week leave. The remainder of the leave will be unpaid. In other words, if the employee has two paid weeks of vacation and five sick days when they go on leave, they will use these first.

Therefore, if they take the full 12 weeks off, they will be paid for the first three weeks. After that, they will take the remaining nine weeks without pay.

You may take up to 12 workweeks for family or medical leave in any 12-month period. A 12-month period is determined by reviewing the 12 months prior to the date the requested leave is to begin.

Application and documentation

Eligibility: If you are an active employee, you are eligible for family and medical leave unless you worked less than 1,250 hours during the 12 months before the leave commences.

Procedures: Talk to your manager or supervisor about your need for leave. Then, submit your FMLA leave request to Human Resources. Do this at least 30 days before your leave starts. This applies if you know you will need to leave in advance.

Medical certification: Employees taking FMLA medical leave for self or family care must submit a medical certification to human resources.

Benefits and job restoration

All benefits continue through your leave if you elect them. However, you must contribute your share of medical and insurance premiums. Furthermore, if you use paid leave, your benefits will continue.

You will also accrue vacation and sick leave. Additionally, you will be paid for holidays during the paid portion of your leave. Conversely, vacation and sick leave will not accrue during unpaid leave.

You also will not be paid for holidays during unpaid leave. Finally, when you return from FMLA leave, you will be restored to the same or an equivalent job. This applies unless a reduction in force, reorganization, or other change impacts your position.

FMLA medical leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced work schedule when medically necessary, subject to medical certification.

In such circumstances, [Company Name] may temporarily transfer you to an alternative position for which you are qualified and that better accommodates the recurring periods of leave. Your pay and benefits will not be reduced if a transfer is made.

Domestic violence leave

Many states require employers to grant leave to those experiencing or escaping domestic violence. You can give this at your discretion, even if it is not required. This can be a kind policy to include in your handbook to show victims that the company will support them.

Here’s a domestic violence leave policy example for your employee handbook.

Employees experiencing domestic violence may take unpaid leave. This leave can be used to attend court proceedings or relocate to safe surroundings.

Employees needing this leave should provide documentation of the abuse. Acceptable documents include police or medical reports. This documentation will be treated as confidential information.

Like any other type of leave, the employee must provide an estimated date of return to work and provide status updates as soon as practicable.

Creating your own employee handbook

These sample policies should give you a strong starting point for building your company’s employee handbook. However, it’s important to remember that state and local laws may vary.

These templates provide a general guide for US-based businesses creating policies. Still, it is always a good idea to check with a local attorney about applicable laws in your region.

Suppose you operate in multiple states with different branches, offices, or retail locations. In that case, ensuring that your policies meet the legal requirements of all states where you are actively employing people is particularly important. In some cases, you may need to create separate policies for different regions.

Legal considerations and multi-state compliance

Adjusting these policies to suit your company’s culture is also a good idea. You grow company culture through how you choose to communicate with employees and how they communicate with one another. Some organizations choose to have more relaxed or flexible policies as part of their company culture.

Reviewing the policy and adjusting the copy to fit your company’s voice better can help integrate company culture. This handbook creates one of the first impressions of your company for new hires. You usually give it to them on their first day. Then, they review it. So, the handbook is important.

Use it to promote your organization’s mission and culture and act as a rulebook.

Additional resources:
Addressing employee social media misconduct New tab icon
Employee handbook considerations for remote employees New tab icon
Ten handbook policies no employer should be without in today’s workforce New tab icon

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