Humor at work: Your guide to laughs without the gaffes
Funny co-workers keep work interesting and help lighten the mood. We like them, but too many jokes and silly stories can become overwhelming (or awkward when they cross a line).
So, what’s the right way to use humor in the office? For starters, being funny at work means understanding the right time and place for humor.
It’s assessing your audience to determine who can and can’t take a joke—knowing what’s appropriate for work and what isn’t. If a joke could negatively impact someone’s well-being, it’s not worth the risk.
And yet, humor is essential. Well-placed levity scores your social points and builds valuable relationships. Meanwhile, the wrong joke could land you in hot water with HR. This is why a sense of humor (stress on “sense”) has become a critical workplace skill.
So, let’s talk about how to be funny at work without getting into trouble.
Workplace humor isn’t like at home
Work can be a weird place. Some managers and executives toe the line of work-inappropriate humor but get upset when their underlings do the same. Your company culture may be less politically correct than the employee handbook led you to believe, but it shouldn’t impact your conduct.
Your humor should never leave the realm of what’s appropriate at work.
Being professional means keeping your humor within the “safe for grandma” boundary:
No use of the expletives and four-letter words you use at home
No graphic jokes or mention of private parts, no matter how funny
No loud yelling or weird noises
No negativity or heavy sarcasm
No personal insults
No talking over other people
Again, you need to care more about what you say outside of the work environment. However, when you’re on the clock, people are watching and will notice if you say something upsetting or offputting—even those who say they don’t care.
Humor falls under the same work-life rules that govern discrimination, sexual harassment, and other inappropriate conversations.
This means the following topics should never be used as joke material:
Sexual orientation
Basically, if you think something could be construed as edgy or offensive, don’t let it get past your lips. You may think aggressive humor makes you look daring and fearless, but your team members will merely remember feeling awkward and uncomfortable.
Using humor at work effectively
It’s hard to explain humor without turning it into a silly adventure, like in a safety video where the cartoon spokesperson suffers all the head-bonking injuries they warn against.
The best use of humor can be summed up as follows: It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. In other words, joke less than you want to.
Making a good joke involves a certain level of risk, while keeping your mouth shut requires none. That’s why it’s essential to time your humor well and ensure everyone can laugh easily.
Let’s list out some hallmarks of good jokes.
What’s the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing? (That was a joke)
Everything has a moment, especially humor. A joke peppered in at the right moment is funny, while the same joke at the wrong time feels awkward.
In author Jay Heinrichs’ Thank You For Arguing, we’re introduced to the Greek word “kairos,” which translates to “the critical moment.” Ancient philosophers like Aristotle and Isocrates stressed the importance of kairos in their writings, laying out the practicality of meeting the moment as it arises. For jokers, this means waiting patiently for the right moment and only then taking a stab at a joke.
Heinrichs’ work is in rhetoric, where speakers and debaters carefully time their rebuttals to have the most significant impact. In this context, timing differs between a memorable clapback and a forgettable grunt.
Basically, saying the right thing at the right time earns you points, while saying the right thing at the wrong time is just as bad as saying the wrong thing.
Be patient and wait for the right moment. Don’t try to squeeze a joke so hard that you derail the conversation. If you’re unable to get a joke off in time, the best thing to do is to forget about it and move on.
Never punch down
It’s risky to make a joke at someone else’s expense, but it’s unforgivable to target someone who can’t defend themselves. People may laugh, but that doesn’t mean they’re having a good time.
“Punching down” means making fun of something that results from circumstance or bad luck. For example, making fun of someone’s beat-up car is punching down. If they could afford a better car, they’d probably buy one.
The same is true of a person’s appearance. Taking shots at somebody’s ugly haircut is more likely to embarrass them than to endear them. A bad sunburn may be impossible to ignore, but it’s better to let that person bring it up than to potentially embarrass them.
And never—ever—make fun of a disability. If you have to make fun of someone, let it be yourself.
Self-deprecating humor at work
Strong people know how and when to make fun of themselves. Many comedians use themselves as subjects for comedy, relying on their appearance or habits to draw a line between themselves and what is “normal.”
Making fun of yourself is almost always safe territory. One of the benefits of humor is when others join in and share their own laughable moments (also known as affiliative humor). This can be great for team bonding.
Making fun of yourself could include:
Flexing some below-average biceps while saying how strong you are
Referring to your mundane, daily work tasks as world-changing
Sincerely apologizing for the mistake, but also calling it 4D chess
Because self-defeating humor is a more modern type of humor, older generations may not recognize when you’re joking. Make sure to let them know by saying, “I’m joking.”
Also, be careful not to wander so far into self-deprecation that people start feeling bad for you or questioning your mental health.
Playing with the absurd
Playful exaggeration can also be funny. If a conversation deals with quantities or concrete facts, introducing an unbelievable analog can catch people off guard and make them laugh.
For example:
Person A: Twenty balloons should be enough for the CTO’s birthday party
Person B: Oops, I already ordered a thousand
Is it hilarious? Not really, but sometimes a little light-hearted exaggeration is all a workday needs to stay interesting.
Generalizations are on the opposite end of the absurdity spectrum. It’s funny to lump certain things together and make spurious correlations (i.e. “I heard everyone who drinks water ends up dead”), but only if they’re unexpected.
It is not funny to make generalizations or peddle stereotypes about races of people or sexual orientations. These lazy excuses for humor are boring and potentially offensive to many people and could get you into trouble. No joke is worth losing your job over.
Being funny vs. talking
Reading the room is a crucial skill for funny people. They know how to match a given group’s seriousness and aren’t afraid to keep quiet if the time isn’t right for a joke.
Learn to read the room. If people are being silly, joining in adds cohesion to the team. If you’re being issued a written warning for making inappropriate jokes, it’s time to shut up.
Keeping quiet is an important skill. Some people joke not because they want others to laugh but because they’re painfully uncomfortable sitting in silence. Jokes can ease tension, but people who can’t stop joking come off as more annoying than funny.
People laugh at more than jokes
Have you ever laughed at an inappropriate moment? Most of us have. Personally, I laugh when I’m in a haunted house. Is it because the haunted house is funny? No, it’s because laughing helps me cope with the stress of my terrifying surroundings.
Seeing people laugh doesn’t always indicate having a good time. Many people laugh when things get awkward or stressful; the last thing they want is to keep laughing.
This is why another aspect of reading the room is learning to sense when things feel awkward. If people are looking at you with eyes agape, it’s probably time to abandon whatever you did to cause that expression on their face.
Some other indicators of an awkward moment in groups can include:
Avoiding eye contact
Closed body language, like folded arms or crossed legs
Blushing or sweating
Overly polite comments
People pulling out smartphones
Look, everybody says stupid stuff from time to time. Making a gaffe is not a crime, but digging that hole even deeper should be avoided. Ditch the topic, be quiet, and let the moment pass quickly.
People may get offended
While we’re on the topic, let’s discuss why some jokes are dangerous at work. The bottom line is that what was funny 10, 20, 50 years ago may not be funny anymore.
Some jokes improve with age, while others rot after a maturing society.
For example, before women had rights, it was common to see jokes about keeping them in the kitchen. Those jokes aren’t funny anymore (if they ever were) because women should never have been treated that way in the first place.
In other words, people didn’t become more sensitive—they just stopped laughing at seeing others deprived of their rights.
This is why edgy jokes are almost always a bad idea. They tend to be as unfunny as they are out of touch.
Humor at work should be fun
Stress decreases when people can laugh. Jokes should be clever, relatable quips that people can understand easily but that make them think differently and in new ways. At its core, humor is light-hearted and delightful—not depressing.
Learn how to read the room, be patient with dishing out jokes, and learn to change direction quickly if your jokes don’t land. Take some improv classes if you really want to understand and level up your styles of humor at work.
Above all, humor should be used to make work more fun and increase job satisfaction.
More resources:
Organizational politics in the workplace: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Right to disconnect: Growing movement for work-life balance laws
AI job descriptions: How to write them faster and avoid bias