Advice for new managers: Dos and don’ts of leadership
Stepping into a new leadership role is an exciting time. But once you’ve celebrated your new role and updated your LinkedIn profile, there will also be a lot of challenges to navigate as a new manager.
From building a rapport with your team to problem-solving roadblocks that spring up in your new role, being a new manager comes with many new responsibilities.
Whether you’re a first-time manager or just taking over as manager in a new company or department, there are many things you should and should not do in this new chapter of your career.
To help you navigate your new role, explore the best tips and advice for new managers below.
Advice for New Managers: The Dos and Don’ts of Leadership
Here are some key things you should avoid as a new manager.
Do understand the role of a manager and cultivate your skills
If you’ve just been promoted to a management role, that means you were probably doing quite well in your prior role. You have great job skills to model for your team.
However, it’s important to understand that being a great individual contributor doesn’t automatically translate into being a great manager. Managing others requires some new skills you may need to cultivate as you enter this new career chapter.
Managers act as coaches for their direct reports. It’s your job to provide guidance, set strategies, and cheer your team on as they do great work and grow in their own roles.
You need to create the right environment where people can come up with great ideas and feel comfortable sharing them. As you move into your new leadership role, think about how best to provide that support and motivation for your team.
It requires a bit of a shift in mindset if you’re used to going to work and just focusing on your job tasks and personal career growth.
To provide clarity and structure
Sometimes new managers want to come off as “a cool boss” or “the chill boss” by taking a more laid-back management style. That in itself is perfectly fine. However, many new managers go about this the wrong way and end up creating more stress for employees.
Even if you plan to take a more relaxed approach to management, it’s important to provide some structure and set clear expectations for your new team.
Clearly communicate your expectations and preferred processes to your employees. Tell them how you want them to communicate with you. Do you like emails and instant messages, or can people stop by your office with quick questions?
Explain anything remote employees need to do communication-wise, such as checking in with you when they log on in the morning to verify that they’re on time and online.
If you’re unsure about providing structure or clarifying procedures, ask your employees about the existing processes and then determine any necessary changes.
This can include how assignments are assigned and tracked or whether they need to check in with you before going on a break.
Do set one-on-one meetings with team members
Dedicating time to getting to know each team member individually is one of the most important tasks to focus on in your first few weeks as a new manager.
Typically, you’ll want to have a meeting with the entire team on your first day, then schedule a meeting with each direct report individually in your first couple of weeks as a manager.
Discuss the employee’s role and how you can best support them during the one-on-one meeting. Review their job descriptions and any performance documents.
These could include past performance reviews or current performance goals. This review helps you gain a better understanding of their responsibilities and career stage.
This initial check-in meeting is also an excellent time to encourage them to ask questions or tell you if there’s something they need. They may have questions about your leadership style, expectations, and other things.
Do encourage open communication
A change in leadership is challenging for both parties. There are bound to be miscommunications, frustrations, or feelings of uncertainty. Encourage your new team to come to you with any concerns or issues that they have.
Then, ensure that you respond to them calmly and respectfully when they speak up with any concerns. This will help you build trust with your new team and encourage continued communication.
Do be willing to learn from employees
Good managers are always willing to listen and learn. Whether you’re a first-time manager or a seasoned leader stepping into a new role, there will be a lot that you can learn from your employees.
They know the company’s culture, processes, software tools, and their roles better than you will in the beginning, so don’t be afraid to ask questions of them or solicit their feedback.
You’ll want to spend your first week or two focused on learning about the team and the company overall, and your employees will be one of your best sources of knowledge.
Showing that you’re willing to listen to your direct reports will also go a long way in making a positive first impression and building productive working relationships.
Do learn to give constructive feedback
If you’re new to management, giving feedback at first can feel a bit odd. However, employees really do want to hear your feedback, as long as it’s delivered with the right approach.
If you see an opportunity for an employee to improve their work, go in with a coaching mindset and give them some feedback on what they could do differently to strengthen their performance.
You’ll also want to continuously give feedback and acknowledge when you can tell that they have incorporated your suggestions.
Don’t forget to provide positive recognition
Be sure to give balanced feedback and recognize positive efforts frequently. When you’re a new manager, it can feel like there are a million fires to put out everywhere, and it can be easy to focus on the negatives.
However, you don’t want to let that overshadow your team’s achievements and hard work.
Positive feedback and recognition will help you build better working relationships and keep your team motivated. The Achievers 2023 State of Employee Recognition Report found that employees who receive recognition weekly are more engaged, productive, and less likely to be searching for a new job.
Make a conscious effort to speak up when an employee is doing well.
Don’t introduce changes too quickly
Sometimes you take over a new department or come into a new organization and see that there is a lot to be done. This is especially common when you join a start-up that is still finding its footing when it comes to practices and procedures.
This can also be true when you take over a team with the same leader for many years and are stuck in its old ways.
You may feel compelled to hit the ground running by putting new processes in place or quickly updating all of those outdated management practices, but the best advice is to slow down and prioritize.
Don’t micromanage
Give your employees room to make choices and decisions. Avoid establishing a habit of micromanaging daily employee activities. As you transition into your new managerial role, acknowledge that aspects of their jobs might be unfamiliar to you.
Therefore, it’s important for employees to feel empowered to work independently and make decisions within their scope of work.
Don’t get stuck in your ways
Just as companies or teams may be stuck in their old ways and resistant to change, managers can be as well. Suppose you’ve been a manager before and are starting a new role in a different company or department.
In that case, this is an excellent opportunity to adjust or adapt your approach to management.
What worked with your last team may work better with your new team. The new company culture may also require a slightly different approach if you’ve changed companies.
This holds particularly true when transitioning between contrasting organizational types. Examples include moving from a large corporation to a small start-up, or shifting from a non-profit to a for-profit company.
Stay aware of regional and generational variations in communication and work attitudes. Adjust your approach accordingly based on these differences.
When in doubt, ask for feedback. Inquire with your team about their preferred support methods, communication styles, and optimal level of oversight.
Exceptional leaders consistently cultivate new management skills and adapt their leadership style to meet their team’s requirements. Therefore, embrace adopting new approaches when necessary.
Don’t make promises that you can’t keep
Get comfortable saying phrases like “I will look into that and get back to you” or “I’ll do my best to make this happen”. New managers can sometimes be overzealous with making promises to their teams.
A new leader will see a problem and eagerly want to fix it, so they tell their team that they’ll get it sorted.
The issue is that in the early stages of your new managerial role, you may not be familiar with all the roadblocks that may make it hard to change things.
Sometimes a glaring issue may seem like a simple fix. Your team may use a slow, laborious process because they lack new software that most other companies use to automate or streamline certain functions.
An outdated company policy, perhaps an old-fashioned and non-inclusive dress code, could be frustrating your employees.
You might perceive the problem as easily solvable. However, you likely need to understand the level of resistance to change among higher-level leaders. Additionally, you should consider the potential limitations of your team’s budget for acquiring new tools. Maybe past managers have raised similar concerns, which have been denied already.
Refrain from making promises about change. Instead, express empathy towards employee concerns. Assure them you will convey those concerns and actively try to address them.
As a new mid-level manager, demonstrate active listening to your team. Simultaneously, prepare for potential pushback from higher management when seeking policy changes or securing approval and funding for team necessities.
Don’t overlook your own needs
If you’re a first-time manager, you may find it hard to balance meeting your team’s needs with setting aside enough time for yourself. As an individual contributor, you could focus on your work projects, career goals, and development needs.
As a manager, securing uninterrupted time for focused work or even a lunch break can be challenging. Your employees require support, prompt responses, and addressed concerns. However, your needs also hold significance.
A survey from The Predictive Index found that 79% of middle managers felt at risk of burnout from the stress of managing others.The same study also found that managers often lack enough time to participate in training and development activities themselves.
As you head into a new management position, intentionally block out time for your well-being and professional development. Recognize when to take a break or a day off to prevent burnout. Also, seek out opportunities to further develop your leadership skills.
This might involve scheduling a full day for a management training class. Alternatively, you could discover a top-rated leadership podcast to enjoy while you tackle your paperwork.
More Resources:
Building a better talent development strategy for your business
Manager feedback questions to ask your employees and improve your leadership
How to make a good impression at a new job or new role