Election 2020: Where Trump, Biden differ on HR issues
President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden disagree on most issues affecting America’s workplaces. Here is a breakdown of where they stand.
Workplace flexibility and leave
Trump: Supports allowing families the option of advancing up to $5,000 of the Child Tax Credit to fund unpaid leave and pay for care and other costs associated with a new child. Supports more paid family leave for federal workers.
Biden: Proposes mandating 12 weeks of paid leave so all workers can care for their own health needs and those of family members, and care for children during school shut-downs.
Labor relations
Trump: Has promised to veto the Protecting the Right to Organize Act because it would make it more difficult to classify workers as independent contractors, expand the definition of a joint employer and abolish right-to-work laws. (The PRO Act, which critics have call the most sweeping change ever to the National Labor Relations Act, has passed in the House of Representatives but stalled in the Senate.) Supports the National Labor Relations Board’s recent trend of issuing employer-friendly decisions.
Biden: Broadly favors efforts to encourage union membership, penalize employers that interfere with union organizing and steer the NLRB in a more worker-friendly direction. Backs holding company executives criminally liable if they interfere with union organizing efforts. Supports “card check” rules that would permit union representation even without holding a formal election. Supports passage of the PRO Act.
Minimum wage
Trump: Has opposed efforts to raise the federal minimum wage.
Biden: Supports raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
Health care reform
Trump: Seeks to rescind the Affordable Care Act. Opposes efforts to create a public option for individuals who lack health insurance through their jobs. Wants to expand use of health savings accounts as an alternative to traditional employer-provided health benefits.
Biden: Backs incremental improvements to fine-tune the ACA. Supports continuing employer-provided health insurance while taking steps toward a public option. Stops short of formally supporting “Medicare for all,” but pledges to achieve a goal of “universal health care.”
Immigration reform
Trump: Has made restricting immigration a centerpiece of his campaign since announcing his candidacy in 2015. Supports “merit-based” immigration that prioritizes immigrants with skills in short supply.
Biden: Supports legislation to overhaul the nation’s temporary work visa system. Would increase the number of visas available for permanent work-based immigration.
Workplace equity
Trump: Has not offered specific plans to promote workplace equity for women or minority groups.
Biden: Backs legislation to strengthen protections against discrimination and harassment. Supports the Paycheck Fairness Act to close the wage gap between men and women.