Managing your boss’s email
Your boss is out of the office and has asked you to be his or her contact person. That definitely shows that your boss has extreme faith in you, so don’t botch the assignment. Follow these tips:
Note that you are replying on your boss’s behalf. Don’t ever pretend to be your boss. Simply state that you are responding while he or she is out of the office, and that you will be the point of contact until your supervisor returns.
Know your supervisor’s expectations. Before your boss takes off, find out which messages you should respond to, which you should ignore, and which, if any, your boss will want to take care of despite his or her location. Also, learn which contacts you should prioritize.
Be professional. Even if your boss’s style leans toward the informal, ensure that your messages are well-written, error-free and very professional. Indicating that you are writing on behalf of your boss will explain the difference in tone and style.
— Adapted from “4 Considerations for Sending Emails on Behalf of Your Boss,” Kaysie Garza,