Teach staff the ABCs of customer service

customer serviceMany of your employees may occasionally have to deal with customers. Often they have limited or no training in such interactions and they wing it.

And the relationship between your business and its customers is fragile.

Here is a primer to help your employees understand what it takes to not only hang on to customers, but leave them with a positive impression of your business:

A  Arrive at work on time, prepared and with a smile.

B  Believe in the organization and the products or services you are representing.

Tough Talks D

C  Choose an attitude of service. Your customers should feel that you enjoy your job.

D  Dress appropriately for the work that you do.

E  Empathize with customers, and show them that you understand.

F  Find answers if you don’t have them.

G  Give customers outstanding service even when they are not buying from you.

H  Help co-workers and other internal customers when needed.

I  Initiate contact with customers. Don’t wait to be approached.

J  Justify your reasoning and offer available alternatives when you must say “no.”

K  Know as much as possible about your organization and its products and services.

L  Leave your personal problems at the door.

M  Mind your manners. Say “please” and “thank you” often.

N  Never say, “That’s not my job.”

O  Own problems. Don’t pass the buck.

P  Prioritize what’s important. People should come before inventory, internal processes, etc.

Q  Question your organization about policies and procedures that hinder your ability to give good service.

R  Respond quickly and efficiently to customer requests.

S  Speak clearly and professionally. Save slang for your off time.

T  Treat people fairly, and apply policies and processes consistently.

U  Use body language that says, “I’m here and ready to help.”

V  Verify that your customers are satisfied and that you have answered all of their questions before ending calls, sales and other interactions.

W  Walk customers through any complicated processes or procedures to reduce confusion later.

X  X-out complaining, personal conversations and other behaviors that reduce your ability to remain positive and engaged.

Y  Yell and yell back at no one while at work. Keep your conversations professional at all times, even if you are being attacked.

Z  Zero in on how you can help by listening more and talking less.


Reprinted with permission from Business Training Works, Inc.