5 tips on business trip etiquette
Unlike vacations, business travel isn’t all about you. There’s a mission, specific goals and, most important, a responsibility to represent your company well. The way you look and act while on a business trip reflects back on your employer.
Avoid making a bad impression on your next work trip by following these five tips for business travel from Matt Herndon, a leadership writer at Blogging4Jobs.
- Dress to impress. How you choose to dress communicates a lot about how you feel about yourself and your business. Business casual attire is good in many business travel situations, but anything less casual may make you start acting—and looking—like you’re on vacation.
- Set an agenda. When you travel for business, you should get the most out of your time on the road. Create a schedule before you leave to map out your goals and give yourself enough time to get from place to place.
- Be gracious with gratuities. Always acknowledge those who make your time away a more pleasant experience. Show your appreciation for servers, bellhops and other service workers by giving each one a nice tip.
- Stand on your best behavior. Whether you’re in a meeting or out for dinner, you still represent your company. The age of etiquette isn’t dead; put your best face forward by using good table manners, and saying “please” and “thank you.”
- Build bonds. When traveling with a colleague or your boss, take the opportunity to pick her brain and get to know her better. Remember, though, work comes first, so avoid getting too comfortable or compromising your credibility in any way.
— Adapted from “5 Things to Know about Business Trip Etiquette,” Matt Herndon, Blogging4Jobs.