How to reverse a failure

When something fails, follow these steps:

  1. Look in the mirror. Examine what you did. Ask trusted advisors and colleagues to evaluate you. Ask yourself what you should do differently. You may figure out how to improve your own performance, and when other teammates see you looking in the mirror, they may do the same.
  2. Go right back to work. Jumping back in to planning and preparation creates a framework for moving forward.
  3. Communicate directly. Ignored, problems won’t go away. Consult team members to find out what’s going on.
  4. Seek other leaders on the team. Appealing to people’s sense of pride and ownership is a first step in putting things right. Talk to them about how you need their help to correct course.
  5. Make necessary changes. Small or large, adjustments will have to be made. Take the steps, make the changes, learn the lessons and do better next time.

— Adapted from Sharing the Sandbox, Dean Brenner, The Latimer Group.