‘One-Man death squad’ headed Palisades nuclear plant security
Officials are investigating a possible security breach at the Palisades nuclear power plant after Esquire magazine ran a profile of the plant’s head of security. Turns out, William Clark bragged about being a hit man.
The article called Clark “a deranged liar,” who told elaborate stories of former work as an assassin. According to the article, Clark claimed “his handler paid him to kill people,” and he called himself “‘one of the best in the world at what I do’—a one-man death squad.”
Following the release of the article, the Nuclear Information and Resource Service criticized officials at Palisades for shoddy screening, saying, “Apparently, a journalist can do a much better background check than energy and consumer security officials.”
Final note: “Hazardous hire” lawsuits, which hold employers accountable for the actions of wayward employees, are the latest wave in workplace litigation. Protect your company with thorough background checks, particularly in security-sensitive positions.