Question: I’d like an explanation of what ‘real time’ documentation means. — Cece King, M.S.
Real time documentation would be documenting as the incident is occurring; i.e., taking minutes on a computer and posting for use as the meeting is held, or writing a process as the process occurring, like writing a recipe as you make the food.
Posted by: MariaelenaB | October 05, 2007 at 04:21 PM
Real-time = current, now
Posted by: | October 08, 2007 at 12:34 PM
Depends on the context. I agree with the previous comments, but would add that it can also mean documenting your own work processes as you tackle them. Keeping a running tally (often using Outlook, or another calendaring tool, but sometimes just a piece of paper) and indicating start/stop on specific tasks, functions as they are done.
Posted by: Susan T. | October 19, 2007 at 03:08 PM
Real time documentation would be documenting as the incident is occurring; i.e., taking minutes on a computer and posting for use as the meeting is held, or writing a process as the process occurring, like writing a recipe as you make the food.
Posted by: MariaelenaB | October 05, 2007 at 04:21 PM
Real-time = current, now
Posted by: | October 08, 2007 at 12:34 PM
Depends on the context. I agree with the previous comments, but would add that it can also mean documenting your own work processes as you tackle them. Keeping a running tally (often using Outlook, or another calendaring tool, but sometimes just a piece of paper) and indicating start/stop on specific tasks, functions as they are done.
Posted by: Susan T. | October 19, 2007 at 03:08 PM