Use PAS approach to implement change

Get someone to agree to a change by using the PAS formula, says Fred Kniggendorf of Gravyloaf. “PAS” stands for state the Problem, Analyze the problem, then finish by offering a Solution to the problem.

He offers this example:

Problem: “The microwave in the break room is consistently dirty.”

Analyze: “What appears to be happening is, if someone makes a mess in it, they tend to leave it for someone else to clean up. Perhaps some of us think the nightly cleaning crew takes care of it, but that’s not the case. When it gets cleaned it’s because one of us does it out of self-defense.”

Solution: “I’m sending around a sign-up sheet so each department can take responsibility for cleaning the microwave on a rotating basis. Any department not willing to volunteer to clean the machine at the end of the day will lose the privilege of using it.”

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