Silence a nagging boss

  • September 01, 2001

My boss constantly pesters me. He calls or visits my office every few hours, asking, “Is it done yet?” That distracts me and slows me down. How can I shut...

Welcome disagreement

  • May 01, 2000

If your team readily reaches consensus on a tough issue, that’s a bad sign.

Nail down the problem

  • November 01, 1999

When an employee comes to you with a problem, put it in perspective before you scurry to solve it.

Shut Down the Constant Complainer

  • April 01, 1999

Only the most disciplined, enlightened managers can resist the urge to argue when greeted with a nonstop complainer. But trying to convince someone that he’s wrong...

Managing a ‘Teflon Boss’

  • February 01, 1999

Like Teflon, some bosses never have anything bad stick to them. Despite abortive projects and unmet commitments, they survive.

Respond to Excuses With Force

  • January 01, 1999

Warning: The way you respond to your employees’ excuses may actually encourage them to feed you more excuses. If you readily accept their reasons for being late,...

Secrets of Reading People

  • January 01, 1999

You can persuade, delegate and lead people more successfully if you understand what they’re thinking. But most people won’t tell you what’s on their...

Managing a sloppy employee

  • December 01, 1998

Q. I supervise an employee whose hygiene is so poor that fellow employees complain to me and, frankly, gag from the smell. Our HR director has twice asked him to do...