Employer may be liable when employee attacks

  • April 18, 2008

Sometimes an employee gets into an argument with a customer, and what began as a war of words turns into actual violence. When that happens, the employer may be on the...

You’d think they’d know better

  • October 05, 2007

It seems everybody’s a comedian at the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), where off-color e-mails have been flying. Unfortunately for ODOT, not everyone in...

Required time limit for job postings?

  • August 16, 2007

Q. We post all open positions on our web site. Is there a law (or at least a guideline) that requires jobs be posted for a certain period? We post most jobs for five...

Interview notes can be a binding contract

  • May 24, 2007

Managers may believe that agreements must be in writing to be deemed legal employment contracts. But that’s not true. Under the right circumstances, oral promises...