Mandatory EAP referral is legal

  • March 02, 2007

Q. In a previous issue of HR Specialist, you said that employers can’t force employees to visit a psychologist. Our Internet policy says that if we find employees...

When is employee insubordination protected?

  • December 01, 2005

Issue: If an employee believes a boss's order is illegal, she can refuse to do it. And you can't punish her for that defiance. Risk: You could run afoul of ...

10 ‘don’ts’ of employee discipline

  • July 01, 2005

Leaders have tremendous power to inspire and encourage, but some techniques actually undermine performance. Here’s Samuel Spitalli’s list of 10 no-nos:

Convey displeasure, not disgust

  • November 01, 2001

Neil Patterson lost it. Fed up with his employees’ poor effort, the CEO of Cerner Corp. wrote an e-mail to senior managers that read, in part, “Hell will...

Manager’s insubordination wins protection

  • August 01, 2001

Jane Foster had a tough decision: Follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or follow her boss's orders. She went with the ADA and got fired. But a court has...

Root out demotivators

  • February 01, 1998

Like pesky ants, demotivators can infest your workplace and prove hard to eliminate. They rarely disappear on their own, which means you must take steps to root them out.