Basics from the Law of the Edge

Professional football teams are fairly evenly matched. What makes the difference between winners and losers is leadership.

John C. Maxwell calls it the Law of the Edge, and it’s pretty powerful stuff. Here are some practical ways to make this law work:
  • Dedicate yourself to building a team. Tight units don’t build themselves. Take care of your team, and it will take care of your dream.

  • Pay the price. It costs energy, money and time to build a team.

  • Work and play together. Leaders know that you need to touch a heart before you ask for a hand. Make that connection.

  • Empower team members. Turn over responsibility to them, which gives them the desire, and authority, which gives them the means.

  • Give credit for success.

  • Make sure the investment pays off. Effort doesn’t guarantee that the mission is accomplished. Keep tabs.

  • Help them win. Never let a day go by without finding ways for your team to move ahead.
—Adapted from “The Difference,” John C. Maxwell, Leadership Wired,