Converting freelancers to full time

If you are looking to convert a freelancer or contract worker to a salaried position, make sure that you have established these guidelines before you extend the offer:

Your work hours. Freelancers are used to working their own hours, so if you expect them to be available from 9–5, Monday–Friday, be very clear about that. Understand that it could prevent them from signing on full time, but it’s important that you establish that expectation before you hire them.

How you handle overtime. Do you pay for anything over the standard 40 hours? If this is a salary job, when people pull long hours, will you allow them to use those hours for personal reasons “off the books” during a less busy time? Many freelancers get paid by the hour, and they want to know if they will be expected to work beyond what they are being paid for on a regular basis.

The level of face time you expect. Specifically, for employees who will continue to work from home, you need to establish how often you want the person in the office—remembering that this too could be a deal breaker.

Their all-around availability. As a freelancer, you could expect them to work late evenings or over the weekend. As a full-time employee, you can no longer expect that if on-site employees aren’t required to do the same. Let them know when and why you would need to reach them outside of business hours (i.e., in urgent situations only).

— Adapted from “Ten Questions To Ask Before You Take A Salaried Job,” Liz Ryan, Forbes,