Tracking FMLA leave
Question: Does anyone have some sort of simple way/spreadsheet to track FMLA leave using the “rolling” 12-month period measured backward? — Cindy
Question: Does anyone have some sort of simple way/spreadsheet to track FMLA leave using the “rolling” 12-month period measured backward? — Cindy
Yes, I keep a spreadsheet in Excel. It shows everyone who qualifies or doesn’t, when they went out, when they came back, how many days they used, what they have available. Their worksite and pay type. Then I can sort it by the “Return to Date” to see who I need to follow up on.
Posted by: Sandra | March 31, 2006 at 11:03 AM
I currently use a spreadsheet to track FMLA usage, etc. FMLA can be continuous or it can be intermittent. Either way, an employee is only entitled to 480 hours per year, 480 hours equate to 12 weeks. On my spreadsheet, the employee’s name and pertinent information is entered at the top. All employees using FMLA have a beginning balance of 480 hours. All FMLA usage is entered by date first then the number of hours used. I have a formula that subtracts the usage from the balance and records an ending balance. This allows me to know at a glance the amount of FMLA remaining for each employee. For instance, an employee is out for 3 weeks, that employee has a beginning balance of 480, of which I record the beginning and ending date and 120 hours is subtracted, with a balance remaining of 360. If the employee uses intermittent FMLA for doctors appointment, let’s say, two hours per day, twice a week, totaling 4 hours. That is then deducted from the 360 hours, resulting in 356 hours and so on. When the employee has used all 480 hours, that’s it until next year. I find this extremely easier than trying to keep track using any other method. I hope this helps.
Posted by: Nettie Cook | April 05, 2006 at 10:53 AM