Older workers ‘coasting’?

When employees approach retirement, they sometimes go on autopilot. But you still need productivity from them, and coasting is unacceptable. Here’s how to handle those employees who think they’ve earned the right to ease into retirement.

Continue to set clear, objective performance goals. Explain what the employee needs to do to meet those goals. Continue to conduct performance appraisals.

Treat those employees as if they have years remaining on the payroll. Don’t exclude them from promotional opportunities just because they might retire soon. You can consider that factor, but don’t make it the sole reason for rejecting the applications.

If an employee who has an­­nounced an impending retirement suddenly earns a markedly lower performance appraisal, ensure you can justify it with objective examples of declining performance. Anything that looks like a trumped-up charge could hurt you in court.

Never initiate “retirement talk” with an employee. You could be setting up your organization for an age discrimination lawsuit.